11 Superb Data Science Videos Every Data Scientist Must Watch

Overview Presenting 11 data science videos that will enhance and expand your current skillset We have categorized these videos into three fields – Natural Language Processing (NLP), Generative Models, and Reinforcement Learning Learn how the concepts in these videos work and build your own data science project!   Introduction I love learning and understanding data science concepts through videos. I simply do not have the time to pour through books and pages of text to understand different ideas and topics. […]

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A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Become an Industry-Ready Data Science Professional

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sub-field Machine Learning (ML) have taken the world by storm. From face recognition cameras, smart personal assistants to self-driven cars. We are moving towards a world enhanced by these recent upcoming technologies. It’s the most exciting time to be in this career field! The global Artificial Intelligence market is expected to grow to $400 billion by the year 2025. From Startups to big organizations, all want to join […]

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How Part-of-Speech Tag, Dependency and Constituency Parsing Aid In Understanding Text Data?

Overview Learn about Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging, Understand Dependency Parsing and Constituency Parsing   Introduction Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.                                                               – Roger Bacon I was amazed that Roger Bacon gave the above quote in the 13th century, and it still holds, Isn’t it? I am sure that […]

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How to leverage Social Media Analytics for your business?

Introduction Conventional media, such as television, radio or newspapers transmits information only in one direction. Users can consume the information which the media offers, but they have very little or no ability to share their own views on the subject. Now-a-days, digital mediums has made it possible to have a two-way form of communication that allows individuals to interact with the information being transmitted. This is known as Social media which encompasses a wide variety of online content, from social […]

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spaCy Tutorial to Learn and Master Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Introduction spaCy is my go-to library for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. I’d venture to say that’s the case for the majority of NLP experts out there! Among the plethora of NLP libraries these days, spaCy really does stand out on its own. If you’ve used spaCy for NLP, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. And if you’re new to the power of spaCy, you’re about to be enthralled by how multi-functional and flexible this library is. The factors […]

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Quick Introduction to Bag-of-Words (BoW) and TF-IDF for Creating Features from Text

The Challenge of Making Machines Understand Text “Language is a wonderful medium of communication” You and I would have understood that sentence in a fraction of a second. But machines simply cannot process text data in raw form. They need us to break down the text into a numerical format that’s easily readable by the machine (the idea behind Natural Language Processing!). This is where the concepts of Bag-of-Words (BoW) and TF-IDF come into play. Both BoW and TF-IDF are […]

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Quick Guide: Steps To Perform Text Data Cleaning in Python

Introduction Twitter has become an inevitable channel for brand management. It has compelled brands to become more responsive to their customers. On the other hand, the damage it would cause can’t be undone. The 140 character tweets has now become a powerful tool for customers / users to directly convey messages to brands. For companies, these tweets carry a lot of information like sentiment, engagement, reviews and features of its products and what not. However, mining these tweets isn’t easy. Why? Because, before you mine this data, you need […]

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The Winning Approaches from codeFest 2018 – NLP, Computer Vision and Machine Learning!

Introduction Analytics Vidhya’s hackathons are one of the best ways to evaluate how far you’ve traveled in your data science journey. And what better way than to put your skills to the test against the top data scientists from around the globe? Participating in these hackathons also helps you understand where you need to improve and what else you can learn to get a better score in the next competition. And a very popular demand after each hackathon is to […]

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Build Your First Text Classification model using PyTorch

Overview Learn how to perform text classification using PyTorch Grasp the importance of Pack Padding feature Understand the key points involved while solving text classification Introduction I always turn to State of the Art architectures to make my first submission in data science hackathons. Implementing the State of the Art architectures has become quite easy thanks to deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, Keras, and TensorFlow. These frameworks provide an easy way to implement complex model architectures and algorithms with […]

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Top 10 Applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Introduction Natural Language Processing is among the hottest topic in the field of data science. Companies are putting tons of money into research in this field. Everyone is trying to understand Natural Language Processing and its applications to make a career around it. Every business out there wants to integrate it into their business somehow. Do you know why?   Because just in a few years’ time span, natural language processing has evolved into something so powerful and impactful, which […]

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