A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files

XlsxWriter XlsxWriter is a Python module for writing files in the Excel 2007+ XLSX file format. XlsxWriter can be used to write text, numbers, formulas and hyperlinks to multiple worksheets and it supports features such as formatting and many more, including: 100% compatible Excel XLSX files. Full formatting. Merged cells. Defined names. Charts. Autofilters. Data validation and drop down lists. Conditional formatting. Worksheet PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP/WMF/EMF images. Rich multi-format strings. Cell comments. Integration with Pandas. Textboxes. Support for adding Macros. Memory optimization […]

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Example Python codes that works with MySQL and Excel files

Python x MySQL x Excel by Zinglecode Example Python codes that do the processes between MySQL database and Excel spreadsheet files. YouTube videos Setup database table products table structure product_notes table structure categories table structure hashtags table structure products_hashtags table structure Install Python 3 and pipenv Download Python 3 installation file from https://www.python.org/ Install pipenv as global package by this command. pip install pipenv Note: for macOS with pre-installed Python 2, use pip3 instead of pip. Install and    

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Poi: Make creating Excel XLSX files fun again

Poi Poi helps you write Excel sheet in a declarative way, ensuring you have a better Excel writing experience. It only supports Python 3.7+. Installation pip install poi Quick start Create a sheet object and write to a file. from poi import Sheet, Cell sheet = Sheet( root=Cell(“hello world”) ) sheet.write(‘hello.xlsx’) See, it’s pretty simple and clear. Sample for rendering a simple table. from typing import NamedTuple from datetime import datetime import random from poi import Sheet, Table class Product(NamedTuple): […]

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Accelerated Excel XLSX Writing Library for Python 2/3

PyExcelerate Accelerated Excel XLSX writing library for Python PyExcelerate is a Python for writing Excel-compatible XLSX spreadsheet files, with an emphasis on speed. Benchmarks Benchmark code located in pyexcelerate/tests/benchmark.pyUbuntu 12.04 LTS, Core i5-3450, 8GB DDR3, Python 2.7.3 | TEST_NAME | NUM_ROWS | NUM_COLS | TIME_IN_SECONDS | |—————————–|———-|———-|—————–| | pyexcelerate value fastest | 1000 | 100 | 0.47 | | pyexcelerate value faster | 1000 | 100 | 0.51 | | pyexcelerate value fast | 1000 | 100 | 1.53 | […]

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Generating Excel 4.0 XLM macro with python

boobsnail BoobSnail allows generating XLM (Excel 4.0) macro. Its purpose is to support the RedTeam and BlueTeam in XLM macro generation.Features: various infection techniques; various obfuscation techniques; translation of formulas into languages other than English; can be used as a library – you can easily write your own generator. Building and Running Tested on: Python 3.8.7rc1 pip install -r requirements.txt python boobsnail.py ___. ___. _________ .__.__ _ |__ ____ _____ |__ / _____/ ____ _____ |__| | | __ / […]

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Simple XLSX and CSV to dictionary converter with python

sheet2dict A simple XLSX/CSV reader – to dictionary converter Installing To install the package from pip, first run: python3 -m pip install –no-cache-dir sheet2dict Required pip packages for sheet2doc: csv, openpyxl Usage This library has 2 main features: reading a spreadsheet files and converting them to array of python dictionaries. – XLSX Use xlsx_to_dict() method when converting form spreadsheets.Supported file formats for spreadsheets are: .xlsx,.xlsm,.xltx,.xltm # Import the library from sheet2dict import Worksheet # Create an object ws = Worksheet() […]

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A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Become an Industry Ready Data Science Professional

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sub-field Machine Learning (ML) have taken the world by storm. From face recognition cameras, smart personal assistants to self-driven cars. We are moving towards a world enhanced by these recent upcoming technologies. It’s the most exciting time to be in this career field! The global Artificial Intelligence market is expected to grow to $400 billion by the year 2025. From Startups to big organizations, all want to join […]

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A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Become an Industry-Ready Data Science Professional

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sub-field Machine Learning (ML) have taken the world by storm. From face recognition cameras, smart personal assistants to self-driven cars. We are moving towards a world enhanced by these recent upcoming technologies. It’s the most exciting time to be in this career field! The global Artificial Intelligence market is expected to grow to $400 billion by the year 2025. From Startups to big organizations, all want to join […]

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