Develop a Neural Network for Banknote Authentication

It can be challenging to develop a neural network predictive model for a new dataset. One approach is to first inspect the dataset and develop ideas for what models might work, then explore the learning dynamics of simple models on the dataset, then finally develop and tune a model for the dataset with a robust test harness. This process can be used to develop effective neural network models for classification and regression predictive modeling problems. In this tutorial, you will […]

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Develop a Neural Network for Woods Mammography Dataset

It can be challenging to develop a neural network predictive model for a new dataset. One approach is to first inspect the dataset and develop ideas for what models might work, then explore the learning dynamics of simple models on the dataset, then finally develop and tune a model for the dataset with a robust test harness. This process can be used to develop effective neural network models for classification and regression predictive modeling problems. In this tutorial, you will […]

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Neural Network Models for Combined Classification and Regression

Some prediction problems require predicting both numeric values and a class label for the same input. A simple approach is to develop both regression and classification predictive models on the same data and use the models sequentially. An alternative and often more effective approach is to develop a single neural network model that can predict both a numeric and class label value from the same input. This is called a multi-output model and can be relatively easy to develop and […]

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Develop a Neural Network for Cancer Survival Dataset

It can be challenging to develop a neural network predictive model for a new dataset. One approach is to first inspect the dataset and develop ideas for what models might work, then explore the learning dynamics of simple models on the dataset, then finally develop and tune a model for the dataset with a robust test harness. This process can be used to develop effective neural network models for classification and regression predictive modeling problems. In this tutorial, you will […]

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Using Normalization Layers to Improve Deep Learning Models

You’ve probably been told to standardize or normalize inputs to your model to improve performance. But what is normalization and how can we implement it easily in our deep learning models to improve performance? Normalizing our inputs aims to create a set of features that are on the same scale as each other, which we’ll explore more in this article. Also, thinking about it, in neural networks, the output of each layer serves as the inputs into the next layer, […]

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Overview of Some Deep Learning Libraries

Machine learning is a broad topic. Deep learning, in particular, is a way of using neural networks for machine learning. A neural network is probably a concept older than machine learning, dating back to the 1950s. Unsurprisingly, there were many libraries created for it. The following aims to give an overview of some of the famous libraries for neural networks and deep learning. After finishing this tutorial, you will learn: Some of the deep learning or neural network libraries The […]

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Using Autograd in TensorFlow to Solve a Regression Problem

We usually use TensorFlow to build a neural network. However, TensorFlow is not limited to this. Behind the scenes, TensorFlow is a tensor library with automatic differentiation capability. Hence you can easily use it to solve a numerical optimization problem with gradient descent. In this post, you will learn how TensorFlow’s automatic differentiation engine, autograd, works. After finishing this tutorial, you will learn: What is autograd in TensorFlow How to make use of autograd and an optimizer to solve an […]

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Three Ways to Build Machine Learning Models in Keras

If you’ve looked at Keras models on Github, you’ve probably noticed that there are some different ways to create models in Keras. There’s the Sequential model, which allows you to define an entire model in a single line, usually with some line breaks for readability. Then, there’s the functional interface that allows for more complicated model architectures, and there’s also the Model subclass which helps reusability. This article will explore the different ways to create models in Keras, along with […]

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How to Checkpoint Deep Learning Models in Keras

Deep learning models can take hours, days, or even weeks to train. If the run is stopped unexpectedly, you can lose a lot of work. In this post, you will discover how to checkpoint your deep learning models during training in Python using the Keras library. Kick-start your project with my new book Deep Learning With Python, including step-by-step tutorials and the Python source code files for all examples. Let’s get started. Jun/2016: First published Update Mar/2017: Updated for Keras […]

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Using Activation Functions in Neural Networks

Activation functions play an integral role in neural networks by introducing nonlinearity. This nonlinearity allows neural networks to develop complex representations and functions based on the inputs that would not be possible with a simple linear regression model. Many different nonlinear activation functions have been proposed throughout the history of neural networks. In this post, you will explore three popular ones: sigmoid, tanh, and ReLU. After reading this article, you will learn: Why nonlinearity is important in a neural network […]

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