A Gentle Introduction to the tensorflow.data API

When you build and train a Keras deep learning model, you can provide the training data in several different ways. Presenting the data as a NumPy array or a TensorFlow tensor is common. Another way is to make a Python generator function and let the training loop read data from it. Yet another way of providing data is to use tf.data dataset. In this tutorial, you will see how you can use the tf.data dataset for a Keras model. After finishing […]

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Understanding the Design of a Convolutional Neural Network

Convolutional neural networks have been found successful in computer vision applications. Various network architectures are proposed, and they are neither magical nor hard to understand. In this tutorial, you will make sense of the operation of convolutional layers and their role in a larger convolutional neural network. After finishing this tutorial, you will learn: How convolutional layers extract features from an image How different convolutional layers can stack up to build a neural network Let’s get started. Understanding the design […]

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Loss Functions in TensorFlow

The loss metric is very important for neural networks. As all machine learning models are one optimization problem or another, the loss is the objective function to minimize. In neural networks, the optimization is done with gradient descent and backpropagation. But what are loss functions, and how are they affecting your neural networks? In this post, you will learn what loss functions are and delve into some commonly used loss functions and how you can apply them to your neural […]

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Image Augmentation with Keras Preprocessing Layers and tf.image

When you work on a machine learning problem related to images, not only do you need to collect some images as training data, but you also need to employ augmentation to create variations in the image. It is especially true for more complex object recognition problems. There are many ways for image augmentation. You may use some external libraries or write your own functions for that. There are some modules in TensorFlow and Keras for augmentation too. In this post, […]

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Predict the next word of your text using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction: https://sm.mashable.com/t/mashable_in/photo/default/shutterstock-1208129407_trm5.960.jpg Natural language processing has been an area of research and used widely in different applications. We often love texting each other and find that whenever we try to type a text a suggestion poops up trying to predict the next word we want to write. This process of prediction is one of the applications NLP deals with. We have made huge progress here and we can use […]

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Sentiment Analysis Using Bidirectional Stacked LSTM

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis is the process of finding the sentiments of the text data. Sentiment Analysis falls under the text classification in Natural Language Processing. Sentiment Analysis would help us to know our customer reviews better. A sentiment denotes any one of the following, Positive, Negative, and Neutral. When we analyze the negative reviews of our products we can easily use those reviews to surmount the problems […]

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