Data Science Environment Setup in single line

This package helps to setup your Data Science environment in single line. Developed by Ashish Patel(c) 2020. datascienv datascienv is a python package offering a single line Data Science Environment setup. Installation Dependencies datascienv is tested to work under Python 3.7+ and greater. The dependency requirements are based on the datascienv package update release: Installation datascience is currently available on the PyPi’s repository and you can install it via pip: pip install -U datascienv If you prefer, you can clone […]

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Predict the next word of your text using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction: Natural language processing has been an area of research and used widely in different applications. We often love texting each other and find that whenever we try to type a text a suggestion poops up trying to predict the next word we want to write. This process of prediction is one of the applications NLP deals with. We have made huge progress here and we can use […]

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Build an end-end Currency Convertor chatbot with Python and Dialogflow

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Hello all, Hope you are fine. In this tutorial we will learn how to create chatbots using Dialogflow and python, as well we will learn the deployment of chatbots to telegram. In our previous articles, we have learned to create a simple rule-based chatbot using simple python and NLTK libraries. I would like to request you to have a look at the article creating a simple chatbot […]

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Malawi News Classification -An NLP Project

Classifying Malawi News articles into 19 different classes using SMOTE and SGDClassifier. Introduction Text classification is common among the application that we use on daily basis. For example, email providers use text classification to filter out spam emails from your inbox. The other most common use of text classification is in customer care where they use sentimental analysis to differentiate bad reviews from good reviews ADDI AI 2050. The modern use of text classification list goes on as we have excelled to […]

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NLTK: A Beginners Hands-on Guide to Natural Language Processing

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction:  NLTK is a toolkit build for working with NLP in Python. It provides us various text processing libraries with a lot of test datasets. A variety of tasks can be performed using NLTK such as tokenizing, parse tree visualization, etc… In this article, we will go through how we can set up NLTK in our system and use them for performing various NLP tasks during the text processing […]

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Text Analysis with Spacy to Master NLP techniques

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Natural Language Processing(NLP) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that deals with Daily Language. Have you ever wonder how Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant understand us with voice and respond to us. Human Language is the fuzziest and complex. As they receive text input first preprocessing of text happens and many techniques are embedded which lets them understand grammar. In this tutorial, we will study some techniques which are helpful […]

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Part 7: Step by Step Guide to Master NLP – Word Embedding in Detail

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction This article is part of an ongoing blog series on Natural Language Processing (NLP). In the previous articles (part-5 and 6), we completed the different text vectorization and word embeddings techniques in detail. In this article, firstly we will discuss the co-occurrence matrix, which is also a word vectorization technique and after that, we will be discussing new concepts related to the Word embedding that includes, Applications of […]

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Practical Guide to Word Embedding System

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Pre-requisites – Basic knowledge of Python – Understanding of basics of NLP(Natural Language Processing)   Introduction In natural language processing, word embedding is used for the representation of words for Text Analysis, in the form of a vector that performs the encoding of the meaning of the word such that the words which are closer in that vector space are expected to have similar in mean. Consider, boy-men vs […]

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Understanding Natural Language Processing -A Beginner’s Guide

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction:   Source: Language is very important when we want to communicate with each other. Every human can talk and tell others what they need and listen with language. These languages can be anything like English, Spanish, Hindi, Malayalam, etc… We can express our ideas to others in this medium. Language is one of the critical components of human intelligence. Every day we interact with humans, but how about […]

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