Let’s Understand How does a chatbot work ?

Introduction A technology that makes the interaction between humans and machines in natural language possible, is an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot! They act like a typical search engine but with more enhanced features. Applications of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots are spread over various domains including eCommerce, healthcare, education, travel, automation, finance, hospitality, insurance, and so on. The chatbots are domain-specific and do what they are intended for.  The applications in their domain include: answering customer queries, booking services like flights, movie tickets, […]

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Memory Networks for Q&A(Question and Answer) Applications

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction This article shows the power of Memory Networks for Question and Answer (QA) applications in the context of simple natural language-based reasoning. Table of Contents What is the motivation behind Memory Networks? Why do we need Memory Networks when traditional NLP models are already performing well? Facebook bAbI dataset About Supporting Fact Components of Memory Networks How can we find the best match? How does the dot product […]

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Beginner’s guide before building a Chatbot

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon According to Accenture – “57% of the Businesses agree that chatbots deliver larger ROI with minimal effort.” Table of Contents : 1. What’s a chatbot? 2. A dive into types of chatbots 3.What are the top platforms to build a chatbot? 4. What are the top Frameworks for building a chatbot? 5. The Algorithm to build a Chatbot. 6. Tips to follow before building your first chatbot 7. Top […]

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