Beginner’s guide before building a Chatbot

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon

According to Accenture – “57% of the Businesses agree that chatbots deliver larger ROI with minimal effort.”

Table of Contents :

1. What’s a chatbot?

2. A dive into types of chatbots

3.What are the top platforms to build a chatbot?

4. What are the top Frameworks for building a chatbot?

5. The Algorithm to build a Chatbot.

6. Tips to follow before building your first chatbot

7. Top 5 datasets for your chatbot


1. What’s a chatbot?

The very first step before learning anything is that we need to know What exactly that we are gonna learn. So, Let’s start with understanding “What is a Chatbot ?”

A chatbot is a software which interacts with humans via a various medium like voice, text, gesture, etc. A chatbot with the power of AI domains like NLP (Natural language Processing) enables smart chats and more natural conversation between humans




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