Memory Networks for Q&A(Question and Answer) Applications

This article was published as a part of theĀ Data Science Blogathon


This article shows the power of Memory Networks for Question and Answer (QA) applications in the context of simple natural language-based reasoning.

Table of Contents

  • What is the motivation behind Memory Networks?
  • Why do we need Memory Networks when traditional NLP models are already performing well?
  • Facebook bAbI dataset
  • About Supporting Fact
  • Components of Memory Networks
  • How can we find the best match?
  • How does the dot product find the matching?
  • Sample QA application
  • Endnotes

What is the motivation behind Memory Networks?

The basic motivation for Memory Networks is an attempt to add Long-term memory to save the knowledge of the question and answer. So external memory is used as a knowledge base to make QA applications like artificial intelligence.

Why do we need Memory Networks when traditional NLP models are already performing well?

It is important to store a large amount of prior knowledge for reasoning. Traditional deep learning




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