Spam Detection – An application of Deep Learning

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon What each big tech company wants is the Security and Safety of its customers. By detecting spam alerts in emails and messages, they want to secure their network and enhance the trust of their customers. The official messaging app of Apple and the official chatting app of Google i.e Gmail is unbeatable examples of such applications where the process of spam detection and filtering works well to protect users […]

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Getting Started with Natural Language Processing using Python

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Why NLP? Natural Language Processing has always been a key tenet of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the increase in the adoption of AI, systems to automate sophisticated tasks are being built. Some of these examples are described below. Diagnosing rare form of cancer –  At the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Medical Science, doctors used artificial intelligence to successfully diagnose a rare type of leukemia. The doctors used an AI […]

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Custom Text Classification on Android using TensorFlow Lite

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction A lot of social media platforms have been using AI these days to classify vulgar and offensive posts and automatically take them down. I thought why not try doing something similar; and so, I’ve come up with this end-to-end tutorial that will help you build your own corpus for training a text classification model, and later export and deploy it on an Android app for you to use. […]

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Sentiment Analysis using NLTK – A Practical Approach

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction The ultimate goal of this blog is to predict the sentiment of a given text using python where we use NLTK aka Natural Language Processing Toolkit, a package in python made especially for text-based analysis. So with a few lines of code, we can easily predict whether a sentence or a review(used in the blog) is a positive or a negative review. Before moving on to the implementation […]

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Automated Spam E-mail Detection Model(Using common NLP tasks)

Hope you all are doing Good !!! Welcome to my blog! Today we are going to understand about basics of NLP with the help of the Email Spam Detection dataset. We see some common NLP tasks that one can perform easily and how one can complete an end-to-end project. Whether you know NLP or not, this guide should help you as a ready reference. For the dataset used click on the above link or here. Let’s get started, Natural Language […]

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Amazon Product review Sentiment Analysis using BERT

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Natural Language processing, a sub-field of machine learning has gained immense popularity in the last 5 years in both research and industrial applications due to the advancement in the field of deep learning and improvement in the computational power of hardware systems. It is a technique for computers to understand how human languages work involving the usage of computational linguistics and the computer science domain. In recent years, […]

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TS-SS similarity for Answer Retrieval from Document in Python

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction This article focuses on answer retrieval from a document by using a similarity algorithm. This task falls under Natural Language Processing which is a subset of Deep Learning. In this article, we will be understanding why do we require better techniques and what are the drawbacks of using naive algorithms. Moreover, we will be implementing a similarity-based technique for answer retrieval from the document. This article is a […]

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NLP – Sentiment Analysis

Now, we can see that our target has changed to 0 and 1,i.e. 0 for Negative and 1 for Positive, and the data is more or less in a balanced state. Data Pre-processing Now, we will perform some pre-processing on the data before converting it into vectors and passing it to the machine learning model. We will create a function for pre-processing of data. 1. First, we will iterate through each record, and using a regular expression, we will get […]

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Stock Price Movement Based On News Headline

Don’t look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack! I hope you all are well. Hurray!! finally today our theme is similar to our beautiful quote😅. I always look for new ideas to share my knowledge, because I heard that “Knowledge shared is knowledge squared😊”. Most of you already know something about Share Market. In this article, we will explore something new and interesting. So let’s dig deeper into our today’s theme. This article is actually based […]

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Automate NLP Tasks using EvalML Library

“The quality of your communication shapes the quality of your life.”, with this beautiful line let’s s begin and understand what we will learn in this article. In my one of the article, I have explained how to automate machine learning problem statement using EvalML. In this article we will look at “is it possible to automate NLP task using EvalML?”. What is EvalML? It is an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective […]

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