The Top GitHub Repositories & Reddit Threads Every Data Scientist should know (June 2018)


Half the year has flown by and that brings us to the June edition of our popular series – the top GitHub repositories and Reddit threads from last month. During the course of writing these articles, I have learned so much about machine learning from either open source codes or invaluable discussions among the top data science brains in the world.

What makes GitHub special is not just it’s code hosting and social collaboration features for data scientists. It has lowered the entry barrier into the open source world and has played a MASSIVE role in spreading knowledge and expanding the machine learning community.

We saw some amazing open source code being released in June. One of the most intriguing repositories was ‘NLP Progress’ – created with the aim of keeping everyone updated regarding the latest updates in this field. Facebook also released the code for it’s popular DensePose framework which could be a game changer




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