Track GitHub stars per day over a date range to measure the open-source popularity of different repositories

Track GitHub stars per day over a date range to measure the open-source popularity of different repositories. Requirements PyGitHub is required to access the GitHub REST API via Python. This library enables you to manage GitHub resources such as repositories, user profiles, and organizations in your Python applications. Usage Update TOKEN to a valid GitHub access token in L15 and then run: Result When run on April 1st, 2022 result is:

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A way to draw art to you gh profile

A few scripts to draw art to you commit graph on github. The art to draw is defined in, you likley want to edit it. Then clone an empty repo to repo: git clone [email protected]:you/somename.git repo Next run to generate the commits, It will prompt you for the end date of the art (In ISO date format). Finaly cd into repo and git push –force. enjoy! Tips: If you have a large ammount of contributions, you may want […]

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GitHub project as part of the Programming for Data Science with Python Nanodegree from Udacity

Date created February 10, 2022 Project Title Explore US Bikeshare Data Description This project was undertaken as part of Udacity’s Programming for Data Science with Python. It mainly uses Python to understand U.S. bikeshare data using dataprovided by Motivate. The script is able to calculate statistics and build an interactive environment.In this interactive environment, raw user input as answers to a few questions willchange the results: The city the user would like to see data from (there are 3 cities […]

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You are AllSet: A Multiset Function Framework for Hypergraph Neural Networks

This is the repo for our paper: You are AllSet: A Multiset Function Framework for Hypergraph Neural Networks. We prepared all codes and a subset of datasets used in our experiments. All codes and script are in the folder src, and a subset of raw data are provided in folder data. To run the experiments, please go the the src folder first. Enviroment requirement: This repo is tested with the following enviroment, higher version of torch PyG may also be […]

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Github action for automatically determine the version for next release by using repository tags

This action will automatically determine the version for next release by using repository tags. For develop releases: .-dev (e.g 2.0-dev0, 2.0-dev1), for official releases: . (1.0, 2.0, 2.1). Action Inputs github_token: Token to get tags from the repo. Pass in using ‘secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN’. mode: Mode for next version calculation. Default: ‘dev’. Available options: dev: increment the ‘dev’ version (ignoring commit message) e.g. 1.0-dev1, 1.0-dev2. official search the commit message for hashtags: #major – for major version (e.g 2.0), #patch – for […]

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Unfollow everyone you followed on GitHub using Python Selenium Chrome driver

Unfollow everyone you followed on GitHub using Python Selenium Chrome driver Login to your GitHub account using your password and username Find your following list Use Selenium to press the unfollow buttons usage: python3 [username] [password] [maxpage] positional arguments: username Your Github username password The password of your Github account for login maxpage Github page number optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit Example:python SatinWuker passswooord 4 This is the libraries that are required: requirements […]

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42 Event notifier using 42API and Github Actions

42서울 Agenda에 새로운 이벤트가 등록되면 알려드립니다! 현재는 Github Issue로 등록되므로 상단 Issue 탭에서 확인하시거나 Watch -> Custom -> Issues 체크박스를 통해 알림을 받으실 수 있습니다. 나중에는 Slack, Discord, Telegram 등을 통해 알림을 받을 수 있도록 업데이트 할 예정입니다. GitHub View Github    

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