All the goto functions you need to handle NLP use-cases, integrated in NLPretext

NLPretext NLPretext packages in a unique library all the text preprocessing functions you need to ease your NLP project. Installation This package has been tested on Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. We strongly advise you to do the remaining steps in a virtual environnement. To install this library you just have to run the following command: pip install nlpretext This library uses Spacy as tokenizer. Current models supported are en_core_web_sm and fr_core_news_sm. If not installed, run the following commands: pip […]

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A GPU-optional modular synthesizer in pytorch

torchsynth torchsynth is based upon traditional modular synthesis written in pytorch. It is GPU-optional and differentiable. Most synthesizers are fast in terms of latency. torchsynth is fast in terms of throughput. It synthesizes audio 16200x faster than realtime (714MHz) on a single GPU. This is of particular interest to audio ML researchers seeking large training corpora. Additionally, all synthesized audio is returned with the underlying latent parameters used for generating the corresponding audio. This is useful for multi-modal training regimes. […]

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A multilanguage Telegram shop bot with Telegram Payments support

Greed A customizable, multilanguage Telegram shop bot with Telegram Payments support! Demo Send a message to @greedtestbot on Telegram to view a demo of the bot in action! Use the special credit card number 4242 4242 4242 4242 to add unlimited credit to your account. Screenshots Installation This installation procedure assumes you are on a Linux system, using bash and have python3.8 installed. Requirements Consider renting a VPS to host the bot on; a cheap one should do, as greed […]

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Tools for calculating and visualizing Elo-like ratings of MLB teams using Retosheet data

BaseballRatings This project uses historical baseball games data to calculate an Elo-like rating for MLB teams based on regular season match ups. The Elo rating system was originally developed for ranking chess players but also can Wikipedia has more technical details on the rating system: A similar analysis was done by 538: This repo consists of three primary pieces of code: imports and cleans the game-level data. It performs basic calculations, such as determining game winners. […]

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Automatic class scheduler for Texas A&M written with Python+Django and React+Typescript

Rev Registration Rev Registration is an automatic class scheduler for Texas A&M, aimed at easing the process of course registration by generating compatible schedules given the courses a student would like to take and what preferences they have. Simply select a term, pick your courses, mark off when you’re not available, and we’ll generate schedules for you! For instance, imagine you’ve settled on 3 sections of a course you are fine with having and are having trouble finding a schedule […]

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A reading-focused foreign language learning aid orientated towards young children

Langy Langy is a reading-focused foreign language learning aid orientated towards young children. Reading is an activity that every child knows. It is a necessary skill that is learned at school and at home, not only building on a child’s linguistic capability, but also their cognitive and social skills. Langy aims to enable children to learn vocabulary in a new language in a manner that feels familiar to them. The platform allows users to read a variety of children’s books, […]

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Using Python and Processing to create art

Experiments in Generative Art Using Python (Matplotlib) and Processing to create art. Using Python, Processing, and P5.js Quick Links Daily Sketches March 2021. | Gallery | Repo | Done using P5.js Genuary 2021 |Gallery| repo | Github Pages | Hexagons | Gallery | Repo | Documentation | Done using Matplotlib. The repo contains several Jupyter Notebooks, with examples. You might also want to look at the images thumbnail sheet, to see if anything interests you, and then go to its […]

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A Cross-Platform Plot Manager for Chia Plotting

Swar’s Chia Plot Manager This is a Cross-Platform Plot Manager for Chia Plotting that is simple, easy-to-use, and reliable. Features Stagger your plots so that your computer resources can avoid high peaks. Allow for a list of destination directories. Utilize temporary space to its maximum potential by starting a new plot early. Run a maximum number of plots concurrently to avoid bottlenecks or limit resource hogging. More in-depth active plot screen. Installation The installation of this library is straightforward. I […]

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Python News: What’s New From April 2021?

If you hang around Python developers long enough, you’ll eventually hear someone talk about how awesome the Python community is. If you want to get up to speed on what happened in the Python community in April 2021, then you’ve come to the right place to get your news! From better error messages that improve user experience to community-driven efforts to delay a change to CPython, April 2021 was a month full of stories that reminded us that Python is […]

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How to Prevent Machine Learning Models from Failing in Practice?

Have you seen machine learning solutions fall flat in practice? Well, I have. Several times. I get occasional panic calls from teams about their 98% accurate models generating questionable predictions once released to actual users. Did they build a bad model? Maybe. But the real issue is that the majority of these teams skipped a step. And that step is testing. Not just any type of testing, but post-development testing (PDT). What is Post-Development Testing (PDT)? Post-development testing in the context of machine learning is an experimentation period […]

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