All the goto functions you need to handle NLP use-cases, integrated in NLPretext


NLPretext packages in a unique library all the text preprocessing functions you need to ease your NLP project.


This package has been tested on Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

We strongly advise you to do the remaining steps in a virtual environnement.

To install this library you just have to run the following command:

pip install nlpretext

This library uses Spacy as tokenizer. Current models supported are en_core_web_sm and fr_core_news_sm. If not installed, run the following commands:

pip install
pip install

Preprocessing pipeline

Default pipeline

Need to preprocess your text data but no clue about what function to use and in which order? The default preprocessing pipeline got you covered:

from nlpretext import Preprocessor




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