How to create your own Question and Answering API(Flask+Docker +BERT) using haystack framework

Introduction Note from the author: In this article, we will learn how to create your own Question and Answering(QA) API using python, flask, and haystack framework with docker. The haystack framework will provide the complete QA features which are highly scalable and customizable. In this article Medium Rules, the text will be used as the target document and fine-tuning the model as well. Basic Knowledge Required: Elasticsearch & Docker This article contains the working code which can be directly build […]

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Implementation of Attention Mechanism for Caption Generation on Transformers using TensorFlow

Overview Learning about the state of the art model that is Transformers. Understand how we can implement Transformers on the already seen image captioning problem using Tensorflow Comparing the results of Transformers vs attention models.   Introduction We have seen that Attention mechanisms (in the previous article) have become an integral part of compelling sequence modeling and transduction models in various tasks (such as image captioning), allowing modeling of dependencies without regard to their distance in the input or output […]

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Analysis of Brazilian E-commerce Text Review Dataset Using NLP and Google Translate

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction Comprehending the reviews of customers is very crucial for a business to be successful. Analyzing the reviews helps to properly discern the customer different preferences, likes, dislikes, etc. These extracted insights can then be used to improve customer service and experience.  In this article, we would be working on a Brazilian E-commerce reviews dataset where we would perform some exploratory data analysis (EDA) on reviews text, derive […]

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Step by step guide to extract insights from free text (unstructured data)

Text Mining is one of the most complex analysis in the industry of analytics. The reason for this is that, while doing text mining, we deal with unstructured data. We do not have clearly defined observation and variables (rows and columns). Hence, for doing any kind of analytics, you need to first convert this unstructured data into a structured dataset and then proceed with normal modelling framework. The additional step of converting an unstructured data into a structured format is […]

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Step by step guide to building sentiment analysis model using graphlab

I have been using graph lab for quite some time now. The first Kaggle competition I used it for was Click Trough Rate (CTR) and I was amazed to see the speed at which it can crunch such big data. Over last few months, I have realised much broader applications of GraphLab. In this article I will take up the text mining capability of GraphLab and solve one of the Kaggle problems. I will be referring to this problem with […]

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Natural Language Processing Made Easy – using SpaCy (​in Python)

Introduction Natural Language Processing is one of the principal areas of Artificial Intelligence. NLP plays a critical role in many intelligent applications such as automated chat bots, article summarizers, multi-lingual translation and opinion identification from data. Every industry which exploits NLP to make sense of unstructured text data, not just demands accuracy, but also swiftness in obtaining results. Natural Language Processing is a capacious field, some of the tasks in nlp are – text classification, entity detection, machine translation, question […]

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Building a FAQ Chatbot in Python – The Future of Information Searching

Introduction What do we do when we need any information? Simple: “We Ask, and Google Tells”. But if the answer depends on multiple variables, then the existing Ask-Tell model tends to sputter. State of the art search engines usually cannot handle such requests. We would have to search for information available in bits and pieces and then try to filter and assemble relevant parts together. Sounds time consuming, doesn’t it? Source: Inbenta This Ask-Tell model is evolving rapidly with the […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to Understand and Implement Text Classification in Python

Improving Text Classification Models While the above framework can be applied to a number of text classification problems, but to achieve a good accuracy some improvements can be done in the overall framework. For example, following are some tips to improve the performance of text classification models and this framework. 1. Text Cleaning : text cleaning can help to reducue the noise present in text data in the form of stopwords, punctuations marks, suffix variations etc. This article can help to understand how […]

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Introduction to Flair for NLP: A Simple yet Powerful State-of-the-Art NLP Library

Introduction Last couple of years have been incredible for Natural Language Processing (NLP) as a domain! We have seen multiple breakthroughs – ULMFiT, ELMo, Facebook’s PyText, Google’s BERT, among many others. These have rapidly accelerated the state-of-the-art research in NLP (and language modeling, in particular). We can now predict the next sentence, given a sequence of preceding words. What’s even more important is that machines are now beginning to understand the key element that had eluded them for long. Context! Understanding context […]

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How to use a Machine Learning Model to Make Predictions on Streaming Data using PySpark

Overview Streaming data is a thriving concept in the machine learning space Learn how to use a machine learning model (such as logistic regression) to make predictions on streaming data using PySpark We’ll cover the basics of Streaming Data and Spark Streaming, and then dive into the implementation part   Introduction Picture this – every second, more than 8,500 Tweets are sent, more than 900 photos are uploaded on Instagram, more than 4,200 Skype calls are made, more than 78,000 […]

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