Hands-On Tutorial on Stack Overflow Question Tagging

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Background I won’t be lying if I assert that every developer/engineer/student has used the website Stack Overflow more than once in their journey. Widely considered as one of the largest and more trusted websites for developers to learn and share their knowledge, the website presently hosts in excess of 10,000,000 questions. In this post, we try to predict the question tags based on the question text asked on […]

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Kaggle Solution: What’s Cooking ? (Text Mining Competition)

Introduction Tutorial on Text Mining, XGBoost and Ensemble Modeling in R I came across What’s Cooking competition on Kaggle last week. At first, I was intrigued by its name. I checked it and realized that this competition is about to finish. My bad! It was a text mining competition.  This competition went live for 103 days and ended on 20th December 2015. Still, I decided to test my skills. I downloaded the data set, built a model and managed to get a score of […]

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Build a word cloud using text mining tools of R

 This is how a word cloud of our entire website looks like! A word cloud is a graphical representation of frequently used words in a collection of text files. The height of each word in this picture is an indication of frequency of occurrence of the word in the entire text. By the end of this article, you will be able to make a word cloud using R on any given set of text files. Such diagrams are very useful when doing […]

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