Using Pi in Python with Numpy, Scipy and Math Library

Using Pi in Python A very trivial scenario that you will come across in coding is using the value of Pi in Python language. And as it turns out, there are multiple libraries Numpy (np.pi) , Scipy (scipy.pi), and Math (math.pi) with which you can use the value of Pi in Python. Let us see them one by one. i) Pi in Numpy – np.pi Here we import the Numpy library as np. And the value of pi can be […]

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Quick Tutorial for Numpy Linspace with Examples for Beginners

What is Linspace() in Numpy Numpy Linspace() function is used to create a numpy array with evenly spaced numbers between the two intervals provided as input.  In this tutorial, we will see the syntax of np.linspace() and see various examples by using various parameters. Numpy Linspace: np.linspace() Syntax np.linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False, dtype=None, axis=0) start – This signifies the starting value of the sequence and can be a number or an array-like value. stop – This signifies the stop […]

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Quick Tutorial for Python Numpy Arange Functions with Examples

What is Numpy Arange function in Python The Numpy Arange function is used to create a numpy array whose elements are evenly distributed within a given range.  In this tutorial, we will understand the syntax of np.arange() and go through multiple examples by using its various parameters. Numpy Arange : numpy.arange() Syntax numpy.arange(start=0, stop, step=1, dtype) start (optional) – It denotes the starting value of the range,    

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The Top Skills for a Career in Datascience in 2021

Datascience is exploding in popularity due to how it’s tethered to the future of technology, supply-demand for high paying jobs and being on the bleeding edge of corporate culture, startups and innovation! Students from South and East Asia especially can fast track lucrative technology careers with data science even as tech startups are exploding in those areas with increased foreign funding. Think carefully. Would you consider becoming a Data Scientist? According to Coursera: A data scientist might do the following […]

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Maximizing Sales with Market Basket Analysis

Sales data analyses can provide a wealth of insights for any business but rarely is it made available to the public. In 2018, however, a retail chain provided Black Friday sales data on Kaggle as part of a Kaggle competition. Although the store and product lines are anonymized, the dataset presents a great learning opportunity to find business insights! In this post, we’ll cover how to prepare data, perform basic analysis, and glean additional insights via a technique called Market […]

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Open Source Deep Learning Frameworks and Visual Analytics

Deep Learning gets more and more traction. It basically focuses on one section of Machine Learning: Artificial Neural Networks. This article explains why Deep Learning is a game changer in analytics, when to use it, and how Visual Analytics allows business analysts to leverage the analytic models built by a (citizen) data scientist. What is Deep Learning and Artificial Neural Networks? Deep Learning is the modern buzzword for artificial neural networks, one of many concepts and algorithms in machine learning […]

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