Hacks to perform faster Text Mining in R


Data science demands versatility. Move away from your regular methods, challenge your ways of working, explore new ways of doing things more efficiently. On reminiscing about my old days, my initial years in data science, I had also got trapped by this devil of ‘complacency’. At one point, I was not challenging myself enough. I wasn’t  experimenting with the ways of doing work. I accepted the things as they were, until I realized ‘Complacency is a state of mind that exists only in retrospective: it has to be shattered before being ascertained’. Now, whenever possible, I try to challenge my ways of working with a purpose of doing it faster and more efficient. It helps me to discover new ways of working in data science.

text mining, R

Text Mining, is one of the most frequent yet challenging exercise faced by beginners in data science / analytics experts. The biggest challenge is one needs




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