Text Mining Simplified – IPL 2020 Tweet Analysis with R

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction Text mining utilizes different AI technologies to automatically process data and generate valuable insights, enabling companies to make data-driven decisions. Text mining identifies facts, relationships, and assertions that would otherwise remain buried in the mass of textual big data. Once extracted, this information is converted into a structured form that can be further analyzed, or presented directly using clustered HTML tables, mind maps, charts, etc. Advantages of […]

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Ultimate guide to deal with Text Data (using Python) – for Data Scientists and Engineers

Introduction One of the biggest breakthroughs required for achieving any level of artificial intelligence is to have machines which can process text data. Thankfully, the amount of text data being generated in this universe has exploded exponentially in the last few years. It has become imperative for an organization to have a structure in place to mine actionable insights from the text being generated. From social media analytics to risk management and cybercrime protection, dealing with text data has never […]

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How to Get Started with NLP – 6 Unique Methods to Perform Tokenization

Overview Looking to get started with Natural Language Processing (NLP)? Here’s the perfect first step Learn how to perform tokenization – a key aspect to preparing your data for building NLP models We present 6 different ways to perform tokenization on text data   Introduction Are you fascinated by the amount of text data available on the internet? Are you looking for ways to work with this text data but aren’t sure where to begin? Machines, after all, recognize numbers, […]

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How Search Engines like Google Retrieve Results: Introduction to Information Extraction using Python and spaCy

Overview How do search engines like Google understand our queries and provide relevant results? Learn about the concept of information extraction We will apply information extraction in Python using the popular spaCy library – so a lot of hands-on learning is ahead!   Introduction I rely heavily on search engines (especially Google) in my daily role as a data scientist. My search results span a variety of queries – Python code questions, machine learning algorithms, comparison of Natural Language Processing […]

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Steps for effective text data cleaning (with case study using Python)

Introduction   The days when one would get data in tabulated spreadsheets are truly behind us. A moment of silence for the data residing in the spreadsheet pockets. Today, more than 80% of the data is unstructured – it is either present in data silos or scattered around the digital archives. Data is being produced as we speak – from every conversation we make in the social media to every content generated from news sources. In order to produce any […]

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Beginners Guide to Topic Modeling in Python

Introduction Analytics Industry is all about obtaining the “Information” from the data. With the growing amount of data in recent years, that too mostly unstructured, it’s difficult to obtain the relevant and desired information. But, technology has developed some powerful methods which can be used to mine through the data and fetch the information that we are looking for. One such technique in the field of text mining is Topic Modelling. As the name suggests, it is a process to […]

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Learn how to Build your own Speech-to-Text Model (using Python)

Overview Learn how to build your very own speech-to-text model using Python in this article The ability to weave deep learning skills with NLP is a coveted one in the industry; add this to your skillset today We will use a real-world dataset and build this speech-to-text model so get ready to use your Python skills!   Introduction “Hey Google. What’s the weather like today?” This will sound familiar to anyone who has owned a smartphone in the last decade. […]

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Framework to build a niche dictionary for text mining

Having the right dictionary is at the heart of any text mining analysis. Dictionary for text mining can be compared to maps while travelling in a new city. The more precise and accurate maps you use, the faster you reach to the destination. On the other hand, a wrong or incomplete map can end up confusing the traveler. Use of dictionary helps us convert unstructured text into structured data. The more precise dictionary you have for the analysis, the more accurate […]

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An Intuitive Understanding of Word Embeddings: From Count Vectors to Word2Vec

Introduction Before we start, have a look at the below examples. You open Google and search for a news article on the ongoing Champions trophy and get hundreds of search results in return about it. Nate silver analysed millions of tweets and correctly predicted the results of 49 out of 50 states in 2008 U.S Presidential Elections. You type a sentence in google translate in English and get an Equivalent Chinese conversion.   So what do the above examples have […]

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A Step-by-Step NLP Guide to Learn ELMo for Extracting Features from Text

Introduction I work on different Natural Language Processing (NLP) problems (the perks of being a data scientist!). Each NLP problem is a unique challenge in its own way. That’s just a reflection of how complex, beautiful and wonderful the human language is. But one thing has always been a thorn in an NLP practitioner’s mind is the inability (of machines) to understand the true meaning of a sentence. Yes, I’m talking about context. Traditional NLP techniques and frameworks were great when […]

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