An Introductory Guide to Understand how ANNs Conceptualize New Ideas (using Embedding)

Introduction Here’s something you don’t hear everyday – everything we perceive is just a best case probabilistic prediction by our brain, based on our past encounters and knowledge gained through other mediums. This might sound extremely counter intuitive because we have always imagined that our brain mostly gives us deterministic answers. We’ll do a small experiment to showcase this logic. Take a look at the below image: Q1. Do you see a human ? Q2. Can you identify the person? […]

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A Must-Read Introduction to Sequence Modelling (with use cases)

Introduction Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were supposed to replicate the architecture of the human brain, yet till about a decade ago, the only common feature between ANN and our brain was the nomenclature of their entities (for instance – neuron). These neural networks were almost useless as they had very low predictive power and less number of practical applications. But thanks to the rapid advancement in technology in the last decade, we have seen the gap being bridged to the […]

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