Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints

Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints. Documentation: https://typer.tiangolo.com Source Code: https://github.com/tiangolo/typer Typer is a library for building CLI applications that users will love using and developers will love creating. Based on Python 3.6+ type hints. The key features are: Intuitive to write: Great editor support. Completion everywhere. Less time debugging. Designed to be easy to use and learn. Less time reading docs. Easy to use: It’s easy to use for the final users. Automatic […]

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A simple note taker CLI program written in python

A simple note taker program written in python This allows you to snip your todo’s, notes, and your tasks easily without extra charges Requirements Only requirement is python3 and an unix operating system and windows supports python (windows may have limited support) You can create a first note by create argument. example session: ~ $ ./note-taker.py create Enter your Note title: Take out the trash Write your note: I will not forget to take out the    

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An utility to make reviewing ArXiv papers for your Journal Club easier

jfc is an utility to make reviewing ArXiv papers for your Journal Club easier. Install Consider using pipx. pipx install git+https://github.com/mikeevmm/jfc/ Otherwise, if you are using pip: pip install git+https://github.com/mikeevmm/jfc/ How to Use jfc aggregates unseen articles from the specified timeframe (see the configuration section), and displays them to you in an interactive prompt. From the title, you can choose to read the abstract, and from there you can choose to open the ArXiv PDF. Run jfc to get an […]

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Straight-forward command line interfacing with GPT-3

Straight-forward command line interfacing with GPT-3. Finding yourself stuck at a conceptual stage? Spinning your wheels needlessly on a segment of text and staring into a cyclic void? Alter the prompt within interact.py and run the code as many times as you wish. Generate interesting permutations and harvest ideas. Get unblocked. . . . OpenAI API key required Demo Vid: GV_v.mov GitHub View Github    

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A command line tool to peek a remote repo hosted on github or gitlab locally

repo-peek A command line tool to peek a remote repo hosted on github or gitlab locally and view it in your favorite editor. The tool handles cleanup of the repo once you exit your editor. Default editor is chosen by looking at the EDITOR environment variable, if it is not set, vim is chosen as the default editor. install repo-peek usage: ask repo-peek (repk) to checkout a github or gitlab repo using the subcommands gh or    

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A CLI tool that can download songs from youtube

Music Downloader is a tool that can download songs from Youtube. Installation Base requirements: If you have Python 3.7+ installed, all you need to do is follow these steps: > git clone https://github.com/matjsilva/music-downloader> cd music-downloader> python install.py Then, you just need to: > python musicDownloader.py When the tool starts, drop a “help” on the input and enjoy Music Downloader. ⚙️ Technologies used GitHub https://github.com/matjsilva/music-downloader    

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A Python Command line parser for common log format

Command line parser for common log format (Nginx default). Usage It counts most important data: referrers, operating systems, browsers and daily unique visitors (IPs). # Console output python parse.py sitename.log.gz # HTML output python parse.py sitename.log.gz –html ~/sitename/logs.html Install and update PIP packages. pip install -U -r requirements.txt Speed logparser 24,249/s GoAccess 6,234/s Outputs HTML output is based on Jinja2 templates. It can be improved as you see fit. Console output for Subreply for    

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Zap: The delightful package manager for AppImages

Zap Looking for the older Zap v1 (Python) implementation? Head over to v1 branch. Getting Started ✨ For system-wide installation (needs sudo) sudo wget https://github.com/srevinsaju/zap/releases/download/continuous/zap-amd64 -O /usr/local/bin/zap sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/zap zap –help For local installation, (requires ~/.local/bin to be on $PATH) mkdir -p ~/.local/bin wget https://github.com/srevinsaju/zap/releases/download/continuous/zap-amd64 -O ~/.local/bin/zap chmod +x ~/.local/bin/zap zap –help NOTE: Replace amd64 with your machine architecture. Supported architectures are listed in the release page Installing AppImages All AppImages from the AppImage Catalog and AppImage catalog […]

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Natural language computational chemistry command line interface

Install Must have Open-AI Codex key: export OPENAI_API_KEY= then nlcc key bindings ctrl-w copy to clipboard (Note, you may need to install xsel on linux) ctrl-q help ctrl-o reset context ctrl-z execute python code ctrl-t adjust temperature ctrl-u status ctrl-c quit ctrl-x write to file (same output as copy to clipboard) ctrl-l load from file ctrl-n update number of code responses ctrl-down Enter multiline. escape-enter to enter prompt or ctrl-down to leave GitHub https://github.com/whitead/nlcc    

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