A CLI Password Manager made using Python and Postgresql database

A CLI Password Manager made using Python and Postgresql database. Quick Start Guide First Clone The Project git clone https://github.com/Imira-S-R/PasswordManagerCLI Change The Direcory cd PasswordManagerCLI Run setup.py for first time users python setup.py After that run main.py python main.py About This is a simple & free password manager made using python that you can use to store    

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You’ll never use the cd cmd again

Ever used the cd command? You’ll never touch that outdated thing again when you try jmp. Navigate your filesystem with unprecedented speed, agility, and dexterity NEVER seen before. Given a set of regular expressions, jmp will intelligently search through your files and cd you into your intended directory. Supports blacklisting and aliasing for optimal search performance. Offers entire jmp suite for unmatched convenience. We don’t live forever, so why waste a single second more of your life typing unnecessarily long […]

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Command-line tool to use LNURL with your LND instance

Commandline tool to use LNURL payRequest and withdrawRequest with LND. Usage: Customize config lndlnurl.conf Run python main.py Docker: docker run -t -i –rm -v cred:/code/cred:ro -v $PWD/lndlnurl.conf:/code/lndlnurl.conf ghcr.io/dsbaars/lnd-lnurl LNURL1DP68GURN8GHJ7MRWW3UXYMM59E3K7MF0D3H82UNV9ACXZ7FLW4EK2UNFVS7NXWPKXSURYYAF0CA Docker (on Umbrel machines): docker run -t -i –rm –network=”umbrel_main_network” -v ~/umbrel/lnd:/.lnd:ro -v $PWD/lndlnurl.conf:/code/lndlnurl.conf ghcr.io/dsbaars/lnd-lnurl:latest LNURL1DP68GURN8GHJ7MRWW3UXYMM59E3K7MF0D3H82UNV9ACXZ7FLW4EK2UNFVS7NXWPKXSURYYAF0CA Create alias Add the following to your .bash_profile

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Pymongo based CLI client, to run operation on existing databases and collections

Pymongo based CLI client, to run operation on existing databases and collections Program developed by Gustavo Wydler Azuaga – 12-01-2021 NOTE: Program screenshots can be viewed in the Screenshots folder Program description: The program is a command line interface client developed in python, which uses the pymongo libraries to connect to existing databases, and run operations and queries. It is an interactive program based on numbered options. Requirements to operate the program: Mongo server running on localhost At least one […]

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The premiere CLI jockey replacement full stack web/app/database network automation application

Network Engineer’s Unified Realtime Automation Library © NEURAL Page (Overview, features, extensibility, etc.) https://www.automate-the-network.com/neural NEURAL is the premiere CLI jockey replacement full stack web/app/database network automation application, providing a “no-code” web app for network engineers developed by a network engineer! It’s built using the Django Web framework I’ll be updating this README in the future with more info, but for now, here’s the intial setup instructions, after you’ve got your Server running, e.g. after you’veimported the OVA into VM Workstation […]

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Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility

Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility. The main use cases of the library are: printing small tables without hassle: just one function call, formatting is guided by the data itself authoring tabular data for lightweight plain-text markup: multiple output formats suitable for further editing or transformation readable presentation of mixed textual and numeric data: smart column alignment, configurable number formatting, alignment by a decimal point Installation To install the Python library and the command line […]

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Create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces

Create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces. Cleo is mostly a higher level wrapper for CliKit, so a lot of the components and utilities comes from it. Refer to its documentation for more information. Resources Usage To make a command that greets you from the command line, create greet_command.py and add the following to it: from cleo import Command class GreetCommand(Command): “”” Greets someone greet {name? : Who do you want to greet?} {–y|yell : If set, the task will yell […]

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