A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python

URS Universal Reddit Scraper – A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python. This is a comprehensive Reddit scraping tool that integrates multiple features: Scrape Reddit via PRAW (the official Python Reddit API Wrapper) Scrape Subreddits Scrape Redditors Scrape submission comments Analytical tools for scraped data Get frequencies for words that are found in submission titles, bodies, and/or comments Generate a wordcloud from scrape results Run pip install -r requirements.txt to get all project dependencies. You will need your […]

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A terminal interface for exploring and arranging tabular data

VisiData A terminal interface for exploring and arranging tabular data. VisiData supports tsv, csv, sqlite, json, xlsx (Excel), hdf5, and many other formats. Platform requirements Linux, OS/X, or Windows (with WSL) Python 3.6+ additional Python modules are required for certain formats and sources Install To install the latest release from PyPi: pip3 install visidata To install the cutting edge develop branch (no warranty expressed or implied): pip3 install git+https://github.com/saulpw/[email protected] See visidata.org/install for detailed instructions for all available platforms and package […]

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The next best thing after Bloomberg Terminal

GamestonkTerminal Gamestonk Terminal provides a modern Python-based integrated environment for investment research, that allows the average joe retail trader to leverage state-of-the-art Data Science and Machine Learning technologies. As a modern Python-based environment, GamestonkTerminal opens access to numerous Python data libraries in Data Science (Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Jupyter), Machine Learning (Pytorch, Tensorflow, Sklearn, Flair), and Data Acquisition (Beautiful Soup, and numerous third-party APIs). Getting Started Install This project was originally written and tested with Python 3.6.8. It should now support […]

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