A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python


Universal Reddit Scraper – A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python.


This is a comprehensive Reddit scraping tool that integrates multiple features:

  • Scrape Reddit via PRAW (the official Python Reddit API Wrapper)
    • Scrape Subreddits
    • Scrape Redditors
    • Scrape submission comments
  • Analytical tools for scraped data
    • Get frequencies for words that are found in submission titles, bodies, and/or comments
    • Generate a wordcloud from scrape results

Run pip install -r requirements.txt to get all project dependencies.

You will need your own Reddit account and API credentials for PRAW. See the Getting Started section for more information.

NOTE: Requires Python 3.7+

Export File Format

All files except for those generated by the wordcloud tool are exported to JSON by default. Wordcloud files




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