PromptDet: Expand Your Detector Vocabulary with Uncurated Images

Paper     Website Introduction The goal of this work is to establish a scalable pipeline for expanding an object detector towards novel/unseen categories, using zero manual annotations. To achieve that, we make the following four contributions: (i) in pursuit of generalisation, we propose a two-stage open-vocabulary object detector that categorises each box proposal by a classifier generated from the text encoder of a pre-trained visual-language model; (ii) To pair the visual latent space (from RPN box proposal) with that […]

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A simple and extensible object detection evaluator in COCO style

Features Extensible user interfaces to deal with different data formats. Support customized evaluation breakdowns, e.g., object size in COCO, difficulty in KITTI, velocity and range in Waymo. Interface for general matching scores, e.g. 2D IoU, 3D rotated IoU, center distance. Support widely-used metrics like AP, AR and customized metrics like average regression errors, average IoUs, etc. Purely based on Python, easy to develop your customized metrics. Installation pip install treelib Clone this repo and run pip install . in the […]

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A Dual Weighting Label Assignment Scheme for Object Detection

This repo hosts the code for implementing the DW, as presented in our CVPR 2022 paper. Introduction Label assignment (LA), which aims to assign each training sample a positive (pos) and a negative (neg) loss weight, plays an important role in object detection. Existing LA methods mostly focus on the design of pos weighting function, while the neg weight is directly derived from the pos weight. Such a mechanism limits the learning capacity of detectors. In this paper, we explore […]

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VISTA: Boosting 3D Object Detection via Dual Cross-VIew SpaTial Attention

VISTA: Boosting 3D Object Detection via Dual Cross-VIew SpaTial Attention Shengheng Deng, Zhihao Liang, Lin Sun and Kui Jia* (*) Corresponding author Introduction Detecting objects from LiDAR point clouds is of tremendous significance in autonomous driving. In spite of good progress, accurate and reliable 3D detection is yet to be achieved due to the sparsity and irregularity of LiDAR point clouds. Among existing strategies, multi-view methods have shown great promise by leveraging the more comprehensive information from both bird’s eye […]

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Using YOLOv5 as detection on VIBE

VIBE is a classic 3D pose esitmation methods. But the original version is very slow no matter on detction tracking or rendering. In this branch new version, I make it re-born. The promote are: using YOLOv5 and DeepSort as tracking module, it’s faster and accurator; using realrender for rending, discard old and stupid pyrender; results: a video link: CPU实时的检测跟踪,同时跑3D姿态检测 – 金天的视频 – 知乎 Check our YouTube videos below for more details. Paper Video Qualitative Results

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OpenMMLab Rotated Object Detection Benchmark

Introduction English | 简体中文 MMRotate is an open-source toolbox for rotated object detection based on PyTorch. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project. The master branch works with PyTorch 1.6+. video.MP4 Major Features Support multiple angle representations MMRotate provides three mainstream angle representations to meet different paper settings. Modular Design We decompose the rotated object detection framework into different components, which makes it much easy and flexible to build a new model by combining different modules. Strong baseline and […]

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Earthquake detection on fiber-optic data using machine learning

Getting started Update the submodules After cloning the repository, run the following commands to initialize andupdate the submodules. git submodule init git submodule update Requirements You can run the project from an interactive bash session within the providedDocker container: docker run –gpus all -it fantine/ml_framework:latest bash If you do not have root permissions to run Docker, Singularity might be a good alternative for you. Refer tocontainers/ for more details. Folder structure bin: Scripts to run machine learning jobs. catalog: Earthquake […]

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Continuously perform deauthentication attacks on all detectable stations

Continuously perform deauthentication attacks on all detectable stations. DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for the misuse of this software for illicit purposes. Remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Pre-requisites Python 3 Debian-based Linux (preferably Kali Linux) Wi-fi adapter that supports monitor mode The following utilities are utilized: airodump-ng aireplay-ng airmon-ng Parameters IFACE: name of the wi-fi interface airodump_output: name of the output .csv file for monitoring num_packets: number of deauthentication packets sent to the target Usage Just run python3 […]

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VGG16 model-based classification project about brain tumor detection

VGG16 model-based classification project about brain tumor detection. First, you can check what people are doing on Kaggle using Brain Tumor MRI. Cause I benefited them a lot and it’s quite good code parts in it. So here are the links: Me and my friend have done the pre-task given by Teknofest “AI in Healthcare” competition. So it’s the classification project and it’s only clustered the brain tomography into ‘yes’ and ‘no’ folders. While I was doing that, […]

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