A Python package for automatically generating documentation pages in markdown

mkgendocs A Python package for automatically generating documentation pages in markdown for Python source files by parsing Google style docstring. The markdown output makes it ideal to combine with mkdocs. Instead of executing the python code (using the inspect package to access signatures and docstrings), we extract the information directly from the source files by parsing them into Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) using the ast package. The astor (AST observe/rewrite) package is also used to convert function or class signatures […]

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A python wrapper for the mangadex API V5. Work in progress

mangadex A python wrapper for the mangadex API V5. It uses the requests library and all the aditional arguments can ve viewed in the Official Mangadex Documentation PyPI pip install mangadex python setup.py install –user >>> import mangadex >>> api = mangadex.Api() Getting the latest manga This is called mangalist in the documentation >>> manga_list = api.get_manga_list(limit = 1) #limits the query to return just one manga >>> manga_list Manga(id = 0001183c-2089-48e9-96b7-d48db5f1a611, title = {‘en’: ‘Eight’}, altTitles = [{‘en’: ‘8 […]

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Discord Music Bot written in Python

Discord-Bot Discord Music Bot written in Python. This bot as of right now can: Join the channel you’re in Play from Youtube Pause Stop Resume To do: Add messages when commands are executed succesfully Queue system Have the bot always on Include eventual jokes Dependecies: discord.py ffmpeg YouTube-dl dotenv GitHub https://github.com/eric-yeung/Discord-Bot    

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A python package simulating the quasi-2D pseudospin-1/2 Gross-Pitaevskii equation

spinor-gpe A python package simulating the quasi-2D pseudospin-1/2 Gross-Pitaevskii equation with NVIDIA GPU acceleration. Introduction spinor-gpe is high-level, object-oriented Python package for numerically solving the quasi-2D, psuedospinor (two component) Gross-Piteavskii equation (GPE), for both ground state solutions and real-time dynamics. This project grew out of a desire to make high-performance simulations of the GPE more accessible to the entering researcher. While this package is primarily built on NumPy, the main computational heavy-lifting is performed using PyTorch, a deep neural network […]

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COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon

CONCEPT COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon. CONCEPT (COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon) is a free and open-source simulation code for cosmological structure formation. The code should run on any Linux system, from massively parallel computer clusters to laptops. The code is written almost exclusively in Python, but achieves C-like performance through code transformation using a custom transpiler/optimizer and Cython. CONCEPT is capable of simulating matter particles evolving under self-gravity in an expanding background. It has multiple gravitational solvers to choose […]

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A lightweight Python robot simulator for JupyterLab and Notebooks

aitk.robots A lightweight Python robot simulator for JupyterLab, Notebooks, and other Python environments. Goals A lightweight mobile robotics simulator Usable in the classroom, research, or exploration Explore wheeled robots with range, cameras, smell, and light sensors Operate quickly without a huge amount of resources Create reproducible experiments Designed for exposition, experimentation, and analysis Sensors designed for somewhat realistic problems (such as image recognition) Especially designed to work easily with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence systems Installation For the core operations, […]

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A general purpose workflow engine that specialises in cycling workflows

Cylc Cylc (pronounced silk) is a general purpose workflow engine that specialises in cycling workflows and has strong scaling characteristics. Cylc was originally developed to meet the challenges of production weather forecasting – which is notorious for the size and complexity of its workflows. Citations & Publications Cylc 7 (production) Production ready. HTTPS network layer. PyGTK GUI. On the 7.8.x branch in the source code. 7.8 – Python 2.6 7.9 – Python 2.7 Website |Documentation Cylc 8 (pre-release) Beta pre-release. […]

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A simple discord slash command handler for discord.py

discord-py-slash-command Discord Slash Commands are a new implementation for the Bot API that utilize the forward-slash “/” symbol. Released on 15 December 2020, many bot developers are still learning to learn how to implement this into their very own bots. This command handler aims to help serve as a guidance for those looking into wanting to add these new slash commands into their bots for those that use discord.py, building off of the current library code and substituting its own […]

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A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping

leafmap A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in a Jupyter environment. leafmap is a Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in a Jupyter environment. It is a spin-off project of the geemap Python package, which was designed specifically to work with Google Earth Engine (GEE). However, not everyone in the geospatial community has a GEE account. leafmap is designed to fill this gap for non-GEE users. It enables users to perform advanced geospatial analysis and […]

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The most annoying bot on Discord

FBot The most annoying bot on discord Features Lots of fun stuff Message responses, sort of our main feature, no big deal. FBot can respond to a wide range of messages, this is also referred to as it’s the spam feature, and can be used to encourage users to spam in specific channels while also giving everyone a bit of fun Counting (yay?). Yes we said it, counting. This allows your members to practise their first grade counting skills and […]

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