A minimal configuration for a dockerized kafka project

A minimal configuration for a dockerized kafka project. Usage: Run this command to build kafka and zookeeper containers, and create the network kafka-network, where your containers can access the endpoint kafka:29092. # creates the network `kafka-network` and build and # runs the containers for zookeeper and kafka docker-compose -f “docker-compose.kafka.yml” up -d –build # remove -d if you want to see logs in the same shell You can then run as many broker/consumer    

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Features terminal for python

Um programa para linux com diferentes ferramentas! Criador de QR code Gerador de senhas Teste de velocidade de Internet Timer Verificar integridade do sistema do Windows Atualizar terminal (Baseados em debian e Arch) siga os comandos abaixo para executá-lo. $ cd Features-terminal $ chmod +x execute_me.sh # ./execute_me.sh execute o arquivo bash como root para instalar o python e suas bibliotecas GitHub View Github    

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A two player snake game using python

This is a two player snake game How to play the game There is food and two players.You try to eat food to become large and gain points. Player one uses q and w to turn left and right, respectively.Player two uses o and p to turn left and right, respectively. Credits The game is inspired by the great Python/Turtle tutorials by Christian Thompson (wynand1004):https://github.com/wynand1004/Projects GitHub View Github    

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Attention-guided gan for synthesizing IR images

Attention-guided gan for synthesizing IR images This repository contains the Tensorflow code for “Pedestrian Gender Recognition by Style Transfer of Visible-Light Image to Infrared-Light Image Based on an Attention-Guided Generative Adversarial Network“. This code is based on the TensorFlow implementation of AGGAN provide by AlamiMejjati. I am working on updating to Tensorflow 2.0, and when it is updated, I will add a link to the new repository. Dataset ReGDB Database SYSU-MM01 Database Training revise .json file in configs folder make […]

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Automatically move or copy files based on metadata associated with the files

Automatically move or copy files based on metadata associated with the files. For example, file your photos based on EXIF metadata or use MP3 tags to file your music files. autofile uses a template system to specify the target directory and/or filename based on the file’s metadata. For example: Will move all mp3 files to new folders with Artist/Album naming scheme. The template system is very flexible and powerful allowing you to perform transforms on the metadata fields and use […]

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Computer Graphics Repository With python

Repositório para trabalhos da matéria de Computação Gráfica, 2021.1. Consiste em 4 práticas diferentes, das quais as duas primeiras são relacionadas a conceitos de 2D, e as duas últimas a conceitos de 3D. lab1 Rasterização de primitivas gráficas – triângulos, polígonos (côncavos ou convexos) e círculos – com transformações afins aplicadas. lab2 Processamento de gráficos raster. Envolve aplicar transformações afins e filtros (box, sobel e laplace) com kernels 3×3. lab3 Transformações afins em 3D para modificar a posição e orientação […]

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A Domain Adaption Transfer Learning Bearing Fault Diagnosis Model Based on Wide Convolution Deep Neu

In the context of intelligent manufacture, advanced health diagnostic systems are urgently needed for factory machinery and equipment. Bearing is an important part of contemporary mechanical equipment, and its health condition directly affects the stability and safety of the operation of the equipment it is located in, so the early diagnosis of bearing failure is of great significance. However, traditional intelligent diagnostic methods cannot continue to maintain good fault diagnosis capabilities under changing workloads. Inspired by the idea of transfer […]

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A Snake Game built by Python Turtle Module

A Snake Game built with Python Turtle Module 🐍Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com Intro Control the direction of snake by simply using ↑↓←→ tabs.The length of snake body will get longer each time the player successfully eat a yellow dot, latest score will always display on the top of the screen.Be aware of hitting the wall or collision with the snake body. Good luck! Prerequisites MacOS Ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install python3-tk Usage Demo

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