Working with Redis in Python with Django



Data is increasingly becoming a valuable commodity in the current era of technology and this necessitates the optimization of storage and access to this data.

There are quite a few notable solutions for the storage of data, including Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, which store data in a structured format using rows and columns and the relationships within the data.

Apart from RDBMS, there are key-value stores that store data based on unique keys and values like a dictionary. Key-value databases fall under the NoSQL family of databases that do not conform to the relational nature of RDBMS.

In this post, we will explore Redis as a key-value store and use it in a project to explore its functionality.

What is Redis and why use it?

Redis (REmote DIctionary Server), is an in-memory data structure store that can be utilized as a database, cache, or a message broker.

Data is stored in Redis in the form of key-values where the keys are used to locate and extract the data stored on the Redis instance.

Normal databases store data to disk, which brings in the

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