Working with PostgreSQL in Python



PostgreSQL is one of the most advanced and widely used relational database management systems. It’s extremely popular for many reasons, a few of which include it being open source, its extensibility, and its ability to handle many different types of applications and varying loads.

With Python, you can easily establish a connection to your PostgreSQL database. There are many Python drivers for PostgreSQL, with “psycopg” being the most popular one. Its current version is psycopg2.

In this article, we’ll be discussing how to access a PostgreSQL database in Python using the psycopg2 driver.

The psycopg2 Module

We can integrate Postgres with Python using the psycopg2 module. psycopg2 is a Postgres database adapter for Python. To use this module, you should first install it. This can be done using the pip command, as shown below:

$ pip3 install psycopg2

Note that I am using Python 3.5, hence I have used pip3 instead of pip.

Once the module has been installed, you can use it to connect to your database in your application.

Connecting to a Database

To connect to your database, you should first create a connection object

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