Unsupervised Multi-hop Question Answering by Question Generation

This repository contains code and models for the paper: Unsupervised Multi-hop Question Answering by Question Generation (NAACL 2021).

  • We propose MQA-QG, an unsupervised question answering framework that can generate human-like multi-hop training pairs from both homogeneous and heterogeneous data sources.

  • We find that we can train a competent multi-hop QA model with only generated data. The F1 gap between the unsupervised and fully-supervised models is less than 20 in both the HotpotQA and the HybridQA dataset.

  • Pretraining a multi-hop QA model with our generated data would greatly reduce the demand for human-annotated training data for multi-hop QA.


The model first defines a set of basic operators to
retrieve / generate relevant information from each
input source




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