Universal messaging and notifications api

Pronounced “boat-shahft”

Botschaft is unified messaging & notifications appliance. Want to text yourself when a long-running task completes, but don’t want to remember your account id or store credentials on your job server? Or maybe you want to send a slack message, a discord message, and an SNS message, all at once? Define a botschaft topic and hit it whenever you want.

It’s as easy as curl http://my.botschaft.server/slack?channel=general&message=Hello!

Botschaft, German, noun, feminine (genitive Botschaft, plural Botschaften)

Botschaft is “message” in German. The “bot” prefix seemed appropriate for what is essentially a notification bot.

  • Dead simple HTTP API
  • Declarative configuration
  • “Topics”, flexible, customizable groups of destinations

Botschaft currently supports the following notification “providers”:

All providers are supported out of the box, and are enabled by




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