Profiling Python Code

Profiling is a technique to figure out how time is spent in a program. With these statistics, we can find the “hot spot” of a program and think about ways of improvement. Sometimes, a hot spot in an unexpected location may hint at a bug in the program as well. In this tutorial, we will see how we can use the profiling facility in Python. Specifically, you will see: How we can compare small code fragments using the timeit module […]

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Logging in Python

Logging is a way to store information about your script and track events that occur. When writing any complex script in Python, logging is essential for debugging software as you develop it. Without logging, finding the source of a problem in your code may be extremely time consuming. After completing this tutorial, you will know: Why we would like to use the logging module How to use the logging module How to customize the logging mechanism Kick-start your project with […]

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Monkey Patching Python Code

Python is a dynamic scripting language. Not only does it have a dynamic type system where a variable can be assigned to one type first and changed later, but its object model is also dynamic. This allows us to modify its behavior at run time. A consequence of this is the possibility of monkey patching. This is an idea that we can modify the base layer of a program without modifying the higher-level code. Imagine you can use the print() […]

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Developing a Python Program Using Inspection Tools

Python is an interpreting language. It means there is an interpreter to run our program, rather than compiling the code and running natively. In Python, a REPL (read-eval-print loop) can run commands line by line. Together with some inspection tools provided by Python, it helps to develop codes. In the following, you will see how to make use of the Python interpreter to inspect an object and develop a program. After finishing this tutorial, you will learn: How to work […]

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Python for Machine Learning (7-day mini-course)

Python for Machine Learning Crash Course.Learn core Python in 7 days. Python is an amazing programming language. Not only it is widely used in machine learning projects, you can also find its presence in system tools, web projects, and many others. Having good Python skills can make you work more efficiently because it is famous for its simplicity. You can try out your idea faster. You can also present your idea in a concise code in Python. As a practitioner, […]

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