Web Crawling in Python

In the old days, it was a tedious job to collect data, and it was sometimes very expensive. Machine learning projects cannot live without data. Luckily, we have a lot of data on the web at our disposal nowadays. We can copy data from the web to create our dataset. We can manually download files and save them to the disk. But we can do it more efficiently by automating the data harvesting. There are several tools in Python that […]

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Managing Data for Machine Learning Projects

Big data, labeled data, noisy data. Machine learning projects all need to look at data. Data is a critical aspect of machine learning projects, and how we handle that data is an important consideration for our project. When the amount of data grows, and there is a need to manage them, allow them to serve multiple projects, or simply have a better way to retrieve data, it is natural to consider using a database system. It can be a relational […]

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A First Course on Deploying Python Projects

After all the hard work developing a project in Python, we want to share our project with other people. It can be your friends or your colleagues. Maybe they are not interested in your code, but they want to run it and make some real use of it. For example, you create a regression model that can predict a value based on input features. Your friend wants to provide their own feature and see what value your model predicts. But […]

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Web Frameworks for Your Python Projects

When we finish a Python project and roll it out for other people to use, the easiest way is to present our project as a command-line program. If you want to make it friendlier, you may want to develop a GUI for your program so people can interact with it with mouse clicks while it runs. Developing a GUI can be difficult as the model of human-computer interaction is complex. Therefore, a compromise is to create a web interface for […]

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Multiprocessing in Python

When you work on a computer vision project, you probably need to preprocess a lot of image data. This is time-consuming, and it would be great if you could process multiple images in parallel. Multiprocessing is the ability of a system to run multiple processors at one time. If you had a computer with a single processor, it would switch between multiple processes to keep all of them running. However, most computers today have at least a multi-core processor, allowing […]

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Google Colab for Machine Learning Projects

Have you ever wanted an easy-to-configure interactive environment to run your machine learning code that came with access to GPUs for free? Google Colab is the answer you’ve been looking for. It is a convenient and easy-to-use way to run Jupyter notebooks on the cloud, and their free version comes with some limited access to GPUs as well. If you’re familiar with Jupyter notebooks, learning Colab will be a piece of cake, and we can even import Jupyter notebooks to […]

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Techniques to Write Better Python Code

We write a program to solve a problem or make a tool that we can repeatedly solve a similar problem. For the latter, it is inevitable that we come back to revisit the program we wrote, or someone else is reusing the program we write. There is also a chance that we will encounter data that we didn’t foresee at the time we wrote our program. After all, we still want our program to work. There are some techniques and […]

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Using Kaggle in Machine Learning Projects

You’ve probably heard of Kaggle data science competitions, but did you know that Kaggle has many other features that can help you with your next machine learning project? For people looking for datasets for their next machine learning project, Kaggle allows you to access public datasets by others and share your own datasets. For those looking to build and train their own machine learning models, Kaggle also offers an in-browser notebook environment and some free GPU hours. You can also […]

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Setting Breakpoints and Exception Hooks in Python

There are different ways of debugging code in Python, one of which is to introduce breakpoints into the code at points where one would like to invoke a Python debugger. The statements used to enter a debugging session at different call sites depend on the version of the Python interpreter that one is working with, as we shall see in this tutorial.  In this tutorial, you will discover various ways of setting breakpoints in different versions of Python.  After completing […]

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Static Analyzers in Python

Static analyzers are tools that help you check your code without really running your code. The most basic form of static analyzers is the syntax highlighters in your favorite editors. If you need to compile your code (say, in C++), your compiler, such as LLVM, may also provide some static analyzer functions to warn you about potential issues (e.g., mistaken assignment “=” for equality “==” in C++). In Python, we have some tools to identify potential errors or point out […]

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