30 Questions to test a data scientist on Natural Language Processing [Solution: Skilltest – NLP]

Introduction Humans are social animals and language is our primary tool to communicate with the society. But, what if machines could understand our language and then act accordingly? Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the science of teaching machines how to understand the language we humans speak and write. We recently launched an NLP skill test on which a total of 817 people registered. This skill test was designed to test your knowledge of Natural Language Processing. If you are one […]

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Natural Language Processing for Beginners: Using TextBlob

Introduction Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an area of growing attention due to increasing number of applications like chatbots, machine translation etc. In some ways, the entire revolution of intelligent machines in based on the ability to understand and interact with humans. I have been exploring NLP for some time now.  My journey started with NLTK library in Python, which was the recommended library to get started at that time. NLTK is a perfect library for education and research, it becomes […]

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A Complete List of Important Natural Language Processing Frameworks you should Know (NLP Infographic)

Overview Here’s a list of the most important Natural Language Processing (NLP) frameworks you need to know in the last two years From Google AI’s Transformer to Facebook Research’s XLM/mBERT, we chart the rise of NLP through the lens of these seismic breakthroughs   Introduction Have you heard about the latest Natural Language Processing framework that was released recently? I don’t blame you if you’re still catching up with the superb StanfordNLP library or the PyTorch-Transformers framework! There has been […]

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Hugging Face Releases New NLP ‘Tokenizers’ Library Version (v0.8.0)

Hugging Face is at the forefront of a lot of updates in the NLP space. They have released one groundbreaking NLP library after another in the last few years. Honestly, I have learned and improved my own NLP skills a lot thanks to the work open-sourced by Hugging Face. And today, they’ve released another big update – a brand new version of their popular Tokenizer library.   A Quick Introduction to Tokenization So, what is tokenization? Tokenization is a crucial […]

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An Intuitive Understanding of Word Embeddings: From Count Vectors to Word2Vec

Introduction Before we start, have a look at the below examples. You open Google and search for a news article on the ongoing Champions trophy and get hundreds of search results in return about it. Nate silver analysed millions of tweets and correctly predicted the results of 49 out of 50 states in 2008 U.S Presidential Elections. You type a sentence in google translate in English and get an Equivalent Chinese conversion.   So what do the above examples have […]

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Tutorial on Text Classification (NLP) using ULMFiT and fastai Library in Python

Introduction Natural Language Processing (NLP) needs no introduction in today’s world. It’s one of the most important fields of study and research, and has seen a phenomenal rise in interest in the last decade. The basics of NLP are widely known and easy to grasp. But things start to get tricky when the text data becomes huge and unstructured. That’s where deep learning becomes so pivotal. Yes, I’m talking about deep learning for NLP tasks – a still relatively less […]

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A Step-by-Step NLP Guide to Learn ELMo for Extracting Features from Text

Introduction I work on different Natural Language Processing (NLP) problems (the perks of being a data scientist!). Each NLP problem is a unique challenge in its own way. That’s just a reflection of how complex, beautiful and wonderful the human language is. But one thing has always been a thorn in an NLP practitioner’s mind is the inability (of machines) to understand the true meaning of a sentence. Yes, I’m talking about context. Traditional NLP techniques and frameworks were great when […]

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11 Superb Data Science Videos Every Data Scientist Must Watch

Overview Presenting 11 data science videos that will enhance and expand your current skillset We have categorized these videos into three fields – Natural Language Processing (NLP), Generative Models, and Reinforcement Learning Learn how the concepts in these videos work and build your own data science project!   Introduction I love learning and understanding data science concepts through videos. I simply do not have the time to pour through books and pages of text to understand different ideas and topics. […]

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An Exhaustive Guide to Detecting and Fighting Neural Fake News using NLP

Overview Neural fake news (fake news generated by AI) can be a huge issue for our society This article discusses different Natural Language Processing methods to develop robust defense against Neural Fake News, including using the GPT-2 detector model and Grover (AllenNLP) Every data science professional should be aware of what neural fake news is and how to combat it   Introduction Fake news is a major concern in our society right now. It has gone hand-in-hand with the rise […]

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Measuring Audience Sentiments about Movies using Twitter and Text Analytics

Introduction The practice of using analytics to measure movie’s success is not a new phenomenon. Most of these predictive models are based on structured data with input variables such as Cost of Production, Genre of the Movie, Actor, Director, Production House, Marketing expenditure, no of distribution platforms, etc. However, with the advent of social media platforms, young demographics, digital media and the increasing adoption of platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc to express views and opinions. Social Media has become a […]

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