S2, A next generation data science toolbox

  We have created a language that is faster than python in every way, works with the entire Java ecosystem (such as the Spring framework, Eclipse and many more) and can be deployed into embedded devices seamlessly, allowing you to collect and process data from pretty much any device you want even without internet. Our language comes built-in with mathematical libraries necessary for any data scientist, from basic math like Linear Algebra and Statistics to Digital Signal Processing and Time […]

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What is Liskov’s Substitution Principle?

In this article, we will explore the Liskov’s substitution principle, one of the SOLID principles and how to implement it in a Pythonic way. The SOLID principles entail a series of good practices to achieve better-quality software. In case some of you aren’t aware of what SOLID stands for, here it is: S: Single responsibility principle O: Open/closed principle L: Liskov’s substitution principle I: Interface segregation principle D: Dependency inversion principle The goal of this article is to implement proper […]

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