Start and manage your Minecraft server from a Discord bot

Do you want a Discord Bot to start your Minecraft server? This program will help you do just that!


This script starts your Minecraft server and shuts it down too! It also shuts down the server when it’s inactive.


There are 6 commands that can be used by anyone:

  1. /start will start the Minecraft server if it’s not already running.
  2. /stop will shut down the Minecraft server if no players are online.
  3. /info will give you the server information.
  4. /ipcheck will check the server address given in $info. The bot will try to update the server address on its own if the address doesn’t work.
  5. /say will send a message in the Minecraft server if it’s running. The message will appear as {username#0000} . Note that this is only one-way and that




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