Snapshot Ensemble Deep Learning Neural Network in Python

Last Updated on August 28, 2020

Model ensembles can achieve lower generalization error than single models but are challenging to develop with deep learning neural networks given the computational cost of training each single model.

An alternative is to train multiple model snapshots during a single training run and combine their predictions to make an ensemble prediction. A limitation of this approach is that the saved models will be similar, resulting in similar predictions and predictions errors and not offering much benefit from combining their predictions.

Effective ensembles require a diverse set of skillful ensemble members that have differing distributions of prediction errors. One approach to promoting a diversity of models saved during a single training run is to use an aggressive learning rate schedule that forces large changes in the model weights and, in turn, the nature of the model saved at each snapshot.

In this tutorial, you will discover how to develop snapshot ensembles of models saved using an aggressive learning rate schedule over a single training run.

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