SMPLicit: Topology-aware Generative Model for Clothed People


Implementation for the paper SMPLicit: Topology-aware Generative Model for Clothed People (CVPR 2021)


Follow these commands to install SMPLicit in your environment. The required libraries are standard, with the possible exception of Kaolin which requires a particular version to run with the current code.

  • git clone
  • cd SMPLicit
  • Install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt:
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • In particular, we use Kaolin v0.1 (see installation command) which should be easy to install. However, if you want to use a later version, you might need to update the import to TriangleMesh in SMPLicit/
  • Download the SMPL model from here and place it in SMPLicit/utils/

To be able to import and use SMPLicit in another project, just use run python




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