Simple subcommand CLIs with argparse


Simple subcommand CLIs with argparse.

multicommand uses only the standard library and is ~100 lines of code (modulo comments and whitespace)


pip install multicommand


Multicommand enables you to easily write CLIs with deeply nested commands using vanilla argparse. You provide it with a package, it searches that package for parsers (ArgumentParser objects), and connects, names, and converts those parsers into subcommands based on the package structure.

        Package                       ->                    CLI

commands/unary/                            mycli unary negate ...
commands/binary/                              mycli binary add ...
commands/binary/             ->            mycli binary divide ...
commands/binary/                         mycli binary multiply ...
commands/binary/                         mycli binary subtract ...

All it needs is for each module to define a module-level parser variable which points to an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser.


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