scikit-learn Cookbook Book Review

Last Updated on August 15, 2020

The scikit-learn library is the premiere library for machine learning in Python.

The online documentation is quite good but sometimes can feel fragmented or limited by narrow examples.

In this post you will discover the book Scikit-Learn Cookbook by Trent Hauck that provides a desktop reference to supplement the online documentation and help you get started with scikit-learn quickly.

Kick-start your project with my new book Machine Learning Mastery With Python, including step-by-step tutorials and the Python source code files for all examples.

Let’s get into it.

scikit-learn Cookbook

scikit-learn Cookbook

Book Overview

The Scikit-Learn Cookbook is a focused book written by Trent Hauck and published by Packt Publishing.

The subtitle for the book is:

Over 50 recipes to incorporate scikit-learn into every step of the data science pipeline, from feature extraction to model building and model evaluation.

It was published at the end of 2014 and it is just under 200 pages long. I like the form factor. Thick reference texts really put me
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