Removing Stop Words from Strings in Python


In this article, you are going to see different techniques for removing stop words from strings in Python. Stop words are those words in natural language that have a very little meaning, such as “is”, “an”, “the”, etc. Search engines and other enterprise indexing platforms often filter the stop words while fetching results from the database against the user queries.

Stop words are often removed from the text before training deep learning and machine learning models since stop words occur in abundance, hence providing little to no unique information that can be used for classification or clustering.

Removing Stop Words with Python

With the Python programming language, you have a myriad of options to use in order to remove stop words from strings. You can either use one of the several natural language processing libraries such as NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim, TextBlob, etc., or if you need full control on the stop words that you want to remove, you can write your own custom script.

In this article you will see a number of different the approaches, depending on the NLP library you’re using.

Using Python’s NLTK Library

The NLTK library is one of

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