RabbitMQ asynchronous connector library for Python with built in RPC support


RabbitMQ connector library for Python that is fully integrated with the aio-pika framework.


BunnyStorm is here to simplify working with RabbitMQ while using aio-pika.
This library offers an asynchronous implementation of a RabbitMQ connector which is fully integrated with asyncio.
BunnyStorm provides an all-in-one adapter with the following functionalities:

  1. publish – Publish a message.
  2. receive – Consume messages from a queue. Can automatically reply to desired routes if the received message
    contains a “reply_to” property.
  3. rpc – Implement RPC (Remote procedure call) logic using RabbitMQ. Publish a message with a reply_to property, wait for a reply message and return the reply’s content.


pip install -U bunny_storm


Simple Receiver (print messages from queue)

import asyncio
from bunny_storm import AsyncAdapter, RabbitMQConnectionData

RABBIT_URI = "amqp://guest:[email protected]:5672/"

if __name__ == "__main__":




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