Quickly fetch your WiFi password and generate a QR code in python


Quickly fetch your WiFi password and if needed, generate a QR code of your WiFi to allow phones to easily connect.

Works on macOS and Linux, Windows



Install using pip

$ python3 -m pip install --user wifi-password

Install using git

$ git clone https://github.com/sdushantha/wifi-password
$ cd wifi-password
$ python3 setup.py install

Install using the AUR

$ sudo pamac build wifi-password


$ wifi-password --help
usage: wifi_password [options]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--show-qr, -show Show a ASCII QR code onto the terminal/console
--save-qr [PATH], -save [PATH]
Create the QR code and save it as an image
--ssid SSID, -s SSID Specify a SSID that




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