Quality Assurance for AI

Backend Requirements

Frontend Requirements

Backend local development

  • Start the stack with Docker Compose:
  • Now you can open your browser and interact with these URLs:

Frontend, built with Docker, with routes handled based on the path: http://localhost

Backend, JSON based web API based on OpenAPI: http://localhost/api/

Automatic interactive documentation with Swagger UI (from the OpenAPI backend): http://localhost/docs

Alternative automatic documentation with ReDoc (from the OpenAPI backend): http://localhost/redoc

PGAdmin, PostgreSQL web administration: http://localhost:5050

Note: you can disable (comment) this component in the docker-compose.yml file, and instead use your preferred DBAdmin tool (local or web). To do that, you will need to expose the Postgres port (5432) in the docker-compose.override.yml file, as in the following:

Flower, administration of Celery tasks:


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