Pytorch Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A strong PyTorch baseline for pedestrian attribute recognition and multi-label classification

Rethinking of Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A Reliable Evaluation under Zero-Shot Pedestrian Identity Setting (official Pytorch implementation)

This paper submitted to TIP is the extension of the previous Arxiv paper.

This project aims to

  1. provide a strong baseline for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Multi-Label Classification.
  2. provide two new datasets RAPzs and PETAzs following zero-shot pedestrian identity setting.
  3. provide a general training pipeline for pedestrian attribute recognition and multi-label classification task.

This project provide

  1. DDP training, which is mainly used for multi-label classifition.
  2. Training on all attributes, testing on “selected” attribute. Because the proportion of positive samples for other attributes is less than a threshold, such as 0.01.




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