PyTorch Implementation of Region Similarity Representation Learning


This repository provides the PyTorch implementation of Region Similarity Representation Learning (ReSim) described in this paper:

  author  = {Tete Xiao and Colorado J Reed and Xiaolong Wang and Kurt Keutzer and Trevor Darrell},
  title   = {Region Similarity Representation Learning},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.12902},
  year    = {2021},

tldr; ReSim maintains spatial relationships in the convolutional feature maps when performing instance contrastive pre-training, which is useful for region-related tasks such as object detection, segmentation, and dense pose estimation.


Assuming a conda environment:

conda create --name resim python=3.7
conda activate resim

# NOTE: if you are not using CUDA 10.2, you need to change the 10.2 in this command appropriately.
# Code tested with torch 1.6 and 1.7
# (check CUDA version




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