Plugin for using Python in an Nx Workspace

NxPy: Nx Python plugin

This project was generated using Nx.

The nx-python plugin allows users to create a basic python application using nx commands. To add the plugin to your project, just follow these steps:

Getting started

Create a Nx Workspace

Before installing the nx-python plugin, it is required to have a pre-configured Nx Workspace . If you don’t, then proceed to create a new one executing the following command:

npx create-nx-workspace python-workspace --preset=empty --cli=nx --nx-cloud true
cd python-workspace

Install the nx-python plugin

yarn add -D @nx-python/nx-python

Adding an application to our workspace

To create a new python application based on this plugin, please execute the following command:

nx g @nx-python/nx-python:app 

Note: Replace with the name of your new application




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