NeuroMorphic Predictive Model with Spiking Neural Networks in Python


NeuroMorphic Predictive Model with Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) in Python using Pytorch.

pynm is an open source, low-code library in python to build neuromorphic predictive models (Classification & Regression problems) using [Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs)] ( at ease. It allows you to go from preparing your data to deploying your spiking model within minutes. SNNs are neural networks that mimics the biological brain. In the case of SNNs, the neurons accumulate the input activation until a threshold is reached, and when this threshold is reached, the neuron empties itself from it’s activation and fire. Once empty, it should indeed take some refractory period until it fires again, as it happen in the brain.

pynm is simple, easy to use and low-code. It enables users to perform




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