Multi-domain Multilingual Question Answering

This post expands on the EMNLP 2021 tutorial on Multi-domain Multilingual Question Answering.

The tutorial was organised by Avi Sil and me. In this post, I highlight key insights and takeaways of the tutorial. The slides are available online. You can find the table of contents below:

  1. Introduction
    1. Open-Retrieval QA vs Reading Comprehension
    2. What is a Domain?
  2. Multi-Domain QA
    1. Datasets for Multi-Domain QA
    2. Multi-Domain QA Models
  3. Multilingual QA
    1. Datasets for Multilingual QA
    2. Multilingual QA Models
  4. Open Research Directions

Question answering is one of the most impactful tasks




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