Monorepo for my Raspberry Pi dashboard and GPS satellite listener

pi dashboard

Monorepo for my Raspberry Pi dashboard and GPS satellite listener.

It includes: a module system allows different features to be toggled on and off so you don’t need my exact hardware setup. It also allows multiple Pis to use the same server.

  • :house: a Windows 98 themed dashboard.
  • :satellite: view the list of visible GPS satellites from a GPS hardware device.
  • :printer: receive printer messages to a POS58 compatible printer.
  • :thermometer: live temperature/humidity collected from an AMxx compatible sensor.




Toggle server modules in server/

  1. Create a Heroku project.

  2. Add a PostgreSQL database via the GUI.

  3. Add a config var of PW via GUI.

  4. Deploy from this




    To finish reading, please visit source site