Issue #86 – Neural MT with Levenshtein Transformer

18 Jun20

Issue #86 – Neural MT with Levenshtein Transformer

Author: Dr. Patrik Lambert, Senior Machine Translation Scientist @ Iconic


The standard Transformer model is autoregressive, meaning that the prediction of each target word is based on the predictions for the previous words. The output is generated from left to right, with no chance to revise a past decision and without considering future predictions of the words on the right of the current word. In a recent post (#82), we briefly introduced the Levenshtein Transformer, a model which relaxes the autoregressive assumption allowing a revision of the generated output. That post was mainly about constrained decoding. In the present post we focus on the Levenshtein Transformer model itself and highlight its potential in a translation workflow. 

Levenshtein Transformer (LevT)

The Levenshtein Transformer (Gu et. al, 2019) is a partially autoregressive model based on the combination of insertions and deletions. This allows the same model to generate an output from scratch or to post-edit a partial output. In a way, this model is thus closer to a human translation process, in which humans may revise, replace, revoke or delete any part of their generated
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